Friday, April 25, 2008

from fear to faith...

that's the title of the women's conference I'm speaking at this my former church in Baltimore

yes- you read that correctly- I am the featured speaker at a women's conference!

pretty scary!

this is my first whole weekend speaking event- I've done a oodles of talks at various IV large group gatherings, taught hundreds of Bible studies, coordinated and lead dozens of Sunday school classes..

but this is my FIRST full out retreat!

so- 3 days- 4 talks

I've been marinating in the passage, praying, writing, re-writing, editing, listening to God, practicing, praying some-I mean ALOT more, working on the creative elements...

and today's the day!

my friend, Amy Burch will be traveling with me to be my "rock" of support! I'm so grateful she will be there!

so- here are my talks...I'm looking at 4 passages from Mark 4:35-5:43
Friday Nite: The Perfect Storm (the storm at sea - Mark 4:35-4:41)
Saturday Morning: Telling your WHOLE story (the bleeding woman - Mark 5:35-34)
Saturday Nite: Don't be Afraid (Jairus and his dying daughter in Mark 5:21-43)
Sunday Morning: Rescue (the Gerasenes Demoniac in Mark 5:1-20)

I covet your prayers...I'm excited


Amy said...

I'm excited too! See you soon!

Jen said...

Julie--this is so exciting! I will be praying for you. Next year, we will have to bring a group to be your cheering section. I will be eager to hear how God blesses through you this weekend. Have fun!

Yarnin_Mama said...

Wow. I'll be praying for you. God will be with you.

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said...

Okay ignore the above - I had so many spelling errors I decided to delete and try again!!

So...I can't wait to hear how it goes! I've been praying for you all weekend!

Amy said...

I was praying for you, how did everything go?

Kathi Roach said...

Julie, That is so awesome! I don't know you, but I go to LifePoint, and I've seen you before. You'll have to let us know how it went. How did you get started speaking...I'd love to hear your story.
Kathi Roach

Amy said...

Hey, I tagged you on my blog. Check it out and let us know some more about you.